2019 Cost of Production

Jan 21, 2019

2019 Cost of Production

2019 is now here, farmers are planning what to grow, and looking for new crop bids. A good thing to look at is a crop budget to see if those new crop prices are profitable for your farm. Making up a budget and comparing two crop choices might even help you decide what to grow.

A good resource to help you put a crop budget together can
be found at https://www.gov.mb.ca/agriculture/farm-management/production-economics/pubs/cop-crop-production.pdf 

Sit down and pencil out what the cost of production is on each piece of land. Your agronomist who knows your fields will be able to help you figure out fertility and varieties that will work for each field, based on soil test information and field history.  This may also be good time to look back on the previous crop year to put a plan into place for addressing any problem areas in certain fields as well as reviewing possible herbicide residues and rotations.   Your Shur-Gro agronomist can look at past years scouting records to see which fields may need special attention or pick a field to really push the yield.  

Once your budget is together you can figure out cost per acre, break-even yield and price. From there, as new bids come out you can see what price will work for your farm.  At the end of the day you will be able to see your individual return on investment! 

Please contact your Shur-Gro Agronomist for assistance in developing a crop budget for 2019

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